Duck Duck Goose

A group of players sit in a circle, facing inward, while another player, who is "it", walks around tapping or pointing to each player in turn, calling each a "duck" until finally calling one a "goose". The "goose" then rises and tries to tag "it", while "it" tries to return to and sit where the "goose" had been sitting. If "it" succeeds, the "goose" becomes "it" and the process begins again. If the "goose" tags "it", the "goose" may return to sit in the previous spot and "it" resumes the process. With older players, the "goose" may attempt to tackle the "picker".

Chair game

Arrange the chairs for a circle, back to back. If there are 15 kids, leave 14 chairs. Turn on the music and everyone will dance and go around, when music stops, they all have to return to the chairs, who doesn’t get a chair to sit will be out. Take one chair out to continue the game. Go on until there are 1 chair and 2 kids, the one who sits on the last chair will be the winner.

Passing ball

A group of players sit in a circle, facing inward with a ball. Turn on the music and players will pass the ball to the one sitting on their right  when music is off, who's holding the ball will be out.

Cookies game

A group of players sit in a circle, facing inward. We will need a real cookie or a cardboard cookie. All players close their eyes while the Chosen one goes to hide the cookie behind of the the players. The Game starts when all players clap their hands and say:

All players: Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

All players point to Jimmy: Jimmy took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Jimmy: Who? Me?

All players: Yes, you.

and Jimmy turns to look at his back, if there’s no cookie, he will say: Not me

All players: Then who? Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Jimmy points to Phil: Phil!

All players: Phil took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Phil: Who? Me?

All players: Yes, you.

and Phil turns to look at his back, if there’s no cookie, he will say: Not me

All players: Then who? Who took the cookie from the cookie jar?

Phil points to Anna: Anna!

All players: Anna took the cookie from the cookie jar.

Anna: Who? Me?

All players: Yes, you.

and Anna turns to look at her back, if there’s a cookie, she will say: Oh, yes, it’s me. Do you want me to share the cookie?

Busy Bee and Back to Back

Each time the leader calls “Busy Bee,” all players begin buzzing. A player stops buzzing when he or she finds another players and stands back to back. If an extra player cannot find a partner, teacher can stand back to back with this player. “Busy Bee” is called again, and buzzing players find new partners. Limit this activity to 5 minutes.

Freeze & Melt


• Have the children stand in the circle time area.
• Tell them to begin moving their bodies very slowly.
• At the signal “freeze,” the children will stop moving. Have them

try to stand still and hold the position until “melt” is called.

Move with music


• Have the children stand in the circle time area.
• Tell them to begin moving their bodies when music is on.
• When the music stops, they will stop moving and stand still and hold the position (who moves or laugh will be out) until the music is on again.

Who is Missing?

Have children sit in a circle on the floor.
• Ask the group to identify each child by name.
• Ask the group to close their eyes.
• Select one of the children to hide behind the door or go outside

• Ask the group to open their eyes, then say, “Who is missing?”

• Give the children two chances to guess the missing person.
• After they guess correctly or have had their two chances, the missing persons may emerge from behind the door/outside and identify himself or herself.
• Repeat, choosing other children to be hiden.
• If all children want an opportunity to hide and the group is large, select two children at a time to be missing.

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