Children are born ready to learn & discover. Children are born wanting to understand all of the world around them. Educational research has shown that children need a learning environment that allows children to learn for themselves. The role of adults in early childhood education is to encourage & support children, so that their natural aptitude for learning stays with them for the rest of their lives.

The learning environment plays a hugely important role in stimulating a child’s natural learning ability. Young children need a space to play which is safe and welcoming, where they can interact with nature and experience for themselves the world around them; and they can embrace the love from their parents

Research has proven that the earliest interactions in a child’s life have a direct effect on the development of their brain. Hence, having a warm and loving environment is not only important for a child to feel comfortable; it also has a direct effect on their development. Therefore, one of the most important factors for the development of a child is a close connection with the person who takes care of them.

Kidzone was founded by experts in the field of education who above all else are parents who love caring for children, and who wish to n provide a learning environment where children will receive the best care from the very beginning of their lives, and where their natural ability for learning will be nurtured. If you come to Kidzone, you will see that it is a child’s paradise, a place where your child will have the opportunity to learn for themselves through play, a place where your child can be truly independent, and at the same time a place where your child will be completely safe.

As the place where your child will take their first steps in the wider world, Kidzone is not any ordinary school. It is a beautiful, colorful world of its own which your children can learn and discover. Our weekend playdates are opportunities for you and your children to play and learn together. Through our love for children, and our deep understanding of how children learn and our dedication to our responsibilities, Kidzone is a place which can contribute to your child’s happiness and love of learning.

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